

45. Shin-young An, Seong-Hwan Hwang, Keonwoo Lee, Hyoung F Kim

Distinct representation of cognitive flexibility and habitual stability in the primate putamen, caudate, and ventral striatum

BioRxiv, 2024

44. Somang Paeng and Hyoung F. Kim 

Gaze patterns reflect the retrieval and selection of memories in a context-dependent object location retrieval task

Scientific reports, April 2024

43. Seong-Hwan Hwang, Doyoung Park, Somang Paeng, Sang Wan Lee, Sue-Hyun Lee, Hyoung F. Kim 

Pneumatic tactile stimulus delivery system for studying brain responses evoked by active finger touch with fMRI

Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Volume 397, 1 September 2023

40. Seong-Hwan Hwang, Yongsoo Ra, Somang Paeng, and Hyoung F. Kim
iScience Volume 25, Issue 10, 21 October 2022, 105104
Paper about 3 salience components that guide your habitual eye movement.
Motivational salience component is always in the background to control your eye movements.
It’s beneficial in relearning of forgotten values.
BK21 우수논문상 수상 – 황성환 학생
지금까지 Motivational salience가 존재한다는 것을 알고 있었으나, 실험 상으로 정확하게 관찰하기 어려웠습니다. 본 연구에서는 인간참여자가 시각물체-금전보상에 대해서 기억하게 한 후(장기기억), 30일 뒤에 어떤 물체를 보는지 관찰했습니다.
30일 뒤 참여자들이 물체의 가치를 어느 정도 잊게 되었고, 이 상황에서 단순히 좋은 물체를 기억하지 못해서 잘 보지 못하는 현상이 일어나는 것이 아니라, 재미있게도 좋은물체와 나쁜물체 모두를 보는 현상을 관찰했습니다.
따라서, 인간이 무의식적으로 물체에 주의집중을 할 때는 물체자체의 성질(perceptual salience), 학습된 가치(reward salience), 마지막으로 motivational salience가 모두 작동하여 물체를 자동적으로 응시하게 된다는 사실을 알게 되었습니다. 이는 본 논문에서 행동실험을 기반으로 한 컴퓨터 인지행동 모델링으로 증명되었습니다. 
또한, 이 현상이 30일이 지난 망각상황에 국한된 것이 아니라, 일반적으로 많은 인지실험논문에서 다루는 학습이 일어난 직후에도 이 3가지 주의집중 요소들이 항상 작동하고 있다는 것도 이론이 아닌 인지행동실험을 기반컴퓨터 모델링으로 보였습니다.
더 나아가, 이렇게 망각이 일어나는 경우에 motivational salience기반으로 기억을 되짚어 보는 선택이 가치 재학습에 가장 좋은 전략(strategy)이라는 사실을 컴퓨터 모델링으로 증명했습니다.

39. Hyoung F. Kim

Brain substrates for automatic retrieval of value memory in the primate basal ganglia

Molecular Brain volume 14, Article number: 168 (2021)


38. Joonyoung Kang, Hyeji Kim, Seong Hwan Hwang, Minjun Han, Sue-Hyun LeeHyoung F. Kim

“Our human and macaque monkey data propose a role of the VS as a “director” that guides habitual behavior with the script of value information written in the past.”     -in the paper-

The 1st research paper using human & non-human primate in Korea!


이 연구를 통해 세계에서 유래없는 인간-영장류동물연구를 동시에 할 수 있는 기반을 한국에 세웠습니다. 이를 통해 무의식적으로 가치가 높은 물체를 찾는 행동을 위한 자동적 기억인출이 영장류의 복부선조체에서 일어난다는 사실을 처음으로 밝혔습니다. 이 결과는 하나의 동물모델과 하나의 연구기법을 사용한 것이 아니라, 인간에서는 fMRI를 사용하고 영장류 동물모델에서는 전기생리학을 이용하여 물체가치기억의 자동인출이 복부선조체에서 일어난다는 사실을 명확하게 밝혔습니다. 이를 통해 복부선조체의 기존 RPE이론을 넘어서서 새로운 학습과 기억 이론을 말할 수 있는 기반을 마련했고, 나아가 중독과 조현병과 같은 정신질환을 이해하는데 중요합니다.

<NEWS link>

37. Kim HF*, Griggs W, Hikosaka O. (* corresponding author)

Long-term value memory in the primate posterior thalamus for fast automatic action

Current Biology 2020 June Online publication

What brain circuit generates our fast automatic action?

습관행동을 형성하는 뇌회로의 지름길이 있을까? 라는 질문에서 시작해서, 기존 시각회로를 우회하여 학습된 시각자극이 시상(thalamus)를 거쳐 직접 행동을 조절할 수 있는 지름길 뇌회로를 밝힘.

36. Amita H, Kim HF, Inoue KI, Takada M, Hikosaka O.

Optogenetic manipulation of a value-coding pathway from the primate caudate tail facilitates saccadic gaze shift.

Nat Commun. 2020 Apr 20;11(1):1876.

35. Amita H, Kim HF, Smith MK, Gopal A, Hikosaka O.

Neuronal connections of direct and indirect pathways for stable value memory in caudal basal ganglia.

Eur J Neurosci. 2019 Mar;49(5):712-725.

34. Hikosaka O, Kim HF, Amita H, Yasuda M, Isoda M, Tachibana Y, Yoshida A.

Direct and indirect pathways for choosing objects and actions.

Eur J Neurosci. 2019 Mar;49(5):637-645.

33. Jiang H and Kim HF

Anatomical Inputs From the Sensory and Value Structures to the Tail of the Rat Striatum.

Front. Neuroanat., 2018 May 3;12:30.

30. Whitney S. Griggs†, Hyoung F. Kim†, Ali Ghazizadeh, M. Gabriela Costello, Kathryn M. Wall and Okihide Hikosaka (†Equal contribution)

Flexible and Stable Value Coding Areas in Caudate Head and Tail Receive Anatomically Distinct Cortical and Subcortical Inputs

Front. Neuroanat., 24 November 2017 | 

29. Kim HF*, Amita H, Hikosaka O (* corresponding author)

Indirect pathway of caudal basal ganglia for rejection of valueless visual objects


Banner image created by Kim HF.

Neuron 2017, May 94(4): 920-930

28. Yu NK, Kim HF, Shim J, Kim S, Kim DW, Kwak C, Sim SE, Choi JH, Ahn S, Yoo J, Choi SL, Jang DJ, Lim CS, Lee YS, Kang C, Choi SY, Kaang BK.

A transducible nuclear/nucleolar protein, mLLP, regulates neuronal morphogenesis and synaptic transmission.

Sci. Rep. 2016 Mar

27. Kim HF*, Ghazizadeh A, Hikosaka O (* corresponding author)

Dopamine neurons encoding long-term memory of object value for habitual behavior

Cell 2015, Nov 19(5): 1165-75

26. Kim HF* and Hikosaka O (* corresponding author)

Parallel basal ganglia circuits for voluntary and automatic behavior to reach reward

Brain 2015,

25. Jang DJ, Kim HF, Sim JH, Lim CS, Kaang BK.

Specific Expression of Aplysia Phosphodiesterase 4 in Bag Cells Revealed by in situ Hybridization Analysis.

Exp. Neurobiol. 2015 Sep;24(3):246-51

24. Kim HF*, Ghazizadeh A, Hikosaka O (* corresponding author)

Separate groups of dopamine neurons innervate caudate head and tail encoding flexible and stable value memories.

Front. Neuroanat. 2014, 8:120. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2014.00120

23. Hikosaka O, Kim HF, Ysuda M, Yamamoto S

Basal ganglia circuits for reward value-guided behavior.

Annu Rev Neurosci. 2014 Aug;37:289–306.

22. Kim HF* and Hikosaka O (* corresponding author)

Distinct basal ganglia circuits controlling behaviors guided by flexible and stable values.

Cover article in Sep. issueCover art by Kim HF

Neuron 2013 Sep 4;79(5): 1001-1010

21. Hikosaka O, Yamamoto S, Yasuda M, Kim HF

Why skill matters.

Cover article in Sep. issue.

Trends Cogn Sci. 2013 Sep;17(9):434-41

20. Yamamoto S, Kim HF, Hikosaka O.

Reward value-contingent changes of visual responses in the primate caudate tail associated with a visuomotor skill.

J Neurosci. 2013 Jul 3;33(27):11227-38.

19. Lee YS, Choi SL, Jun H, Yim SJ, Lee JA, Kim HF, Lee SH, Shim J, Lee K, Jang DJ, Kaang BK.

AU-rich element-binding protein negatively regulates CCAAT enhancer-binding protein mRNA stability during long-term synaptic plasticity in Aplysia.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Sep 18;109(38):15520-5.

18. Lee SH, Kwak C, Shim J, Kim JE, Choi SL, Kim HF, Jang DJ, Lee JA, Lee K, Lee CH, Lee YD, Miniaci MC, Bailey CH, Kandel ER, Kaang BK.

A cellular model of memory reconsolidation involves reactivation-induced destabilization and restabilization at the sensorimotor synapse in Aplysia.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Aug 28;109(35):14200-5.

17. Jang DJ, Park SW, Lee JA, Lee C, Chae YS, Park H, Kim MJ, Choi SL, Lee N, Kim H, Kaang BK.

N-termini of apPDE4 isoforms are responsible for targeting the isoforms to different cellular membranes.

Learn Mem. 2010 Sep 2;17(9):469-79.

16. Park SW, Ko HG, Lee N, Lee H, Rim Y, Kim H, Lee KM, Kaang BK.

Aged wild-type littermates and APPswe+PS1/ΔE9 mice present similar deficits in associative learning and spatial memory independent of amyloid load.

Genes & Genomics. 2010 Feb 32: 63-70

15. Lee YS, Choi SL, Lee SH, Kim H, Park H, Lee N, Lee SH, Chae YS, Jang DJ, Kandel ER, Kaang BK.

Identification of a serotonin receptor coupled to adenylyl cyclase involved in learning-related heterosynaptic facilitation in Aplysia.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Aug 25;106(34):14634-9.

14. Kaang BK, Lee SH, Kim H

Synaptic Protein Degradation as a Mechanism in Memory Reorganization.

Neuroscientist. 2009 Oct;15(5):430-5

13. Lee JS, Jang DJ, Lee N, Ko HG, Kim H, Kim YS, Kim B, Son J, Kim SH, Chung H, Lee MY, Kim WR, Sun W, Zhuo M, Abel T, Kaang BK, Son H.

Induction of neuronal vascular endothelial growth factor expression by cAMP in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus is required for antidepressant-like behaviors.

J Neurosci. 2009 Jul 1;29(26):8493-505

12. Lee YS, Choi SL, Kim TH, Lee JA, Kim HK, Kim H, Jang DJ, Lee JJ, Lee S, Sin GS, Kim CB, Suzuki Y, Sugano S, Kubo T, Moroz LL, Kandel ER, Bhak J, Kaang BK.

Transcriptome analysis and identification of regulators for long-term plasticity in Aplysia kurodai.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Nov 25;105(47):18602-7.

11. Lee SH, Choi JH, Lee N, Lee HR, Kim JI, Yu NK, Choi SL, Lee SH, Kim H, Kaang BK.

Synaptic protein degradation underlies destabilization of retrieved fear memory.

Science. 2008 Feb 29;319(5867):1253-6.

10. Lee SH, Lim CS, Park H, Lee JA, Han JH, Kim H, Cheang YH, Lee SH, Lee YS, Ko HG, Jang DH, Kim H, Miniaci MC, Bartsch D, Kim E, Bailey CH, Kandel ER, Kaang BK.

Nuclear translocation of CAM-associated protein activates transcription for long-term facilitation in Aplysia.

Cell. 2007 May;18;129(4):801-12.

9. Lee JA, Lee SH, Lee C, Chang DJ, Lee Y, Kim H, Cheang YH, Ko HG, Lee YS, Jun H, Bartsch D, Kandel ER, Kaang BK.

PKA-activated ApAF-ApC/EBP heterodimer is a key downstream effector of ApCREB and is necessary and sufficient for the consolidation of long-term facilitation.

J Cell Biol. 2006 Sep 11;174(6):827-38.

8. Yim SJ, Lee YS, Lee JA, Chang DJ, Han JH, Kim H, Park H, Jun H, Kim VN, Kaang BK.

Regulation of ApC/EBP mRNA by the Aplysia AU-rich element-binding protein, ApELAV, and its effects on 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced long-term facilitation.

J Neurochem. 2006 Jul;98(2):420-9.

7. Kim H, Lee SH, Han JH, Lee JA, Cheang YH, Chang DJ, Lee YS, Kaang BK.

A nucleolar protein ApLLP induces ApC/EBP expression required for long-term synaptic facilitation in Aplysia neurons.

Neuron. 2006 Mar 2;49(5):707-18.

6. Jang DH, Han JH, Lee SH, Lee YS, Park H, Lee SH, Kim H, Kaang BK.

Cofilin expression induces cofilin-actin rod formation and disrupts synaptic structure and function in Aplysia synapses.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Nov 1;102(44):16072-7.

5. Park H, Lee JA, Lee C, Kim MJ, Chang DJ, Kim H, Lee SH, Lee YS, Kaang BK.

An Aplysia type 4 phosphodiesterase homolog localizes at the presynaptic terminals of Aplysia neuron and regulates synaptic facilitation.

J Neurosci. 2005 Sep 28;25(39):9037-45.

4. Lee Y, Chang DJ, Lee YS, Chang KA, Kim H, Yoon JS, Lee S, Suh YH, Kaang BK.

Beta-amyloid peptide binding protein does not couple to G protein in a heterologous Xenopus expression system.

J Neurosci Res. 2003 Jul 15;73(2):255-9.

3. Kim H, Chang DJ, Lee JA, Lee YS, Kaang BK.

Identification of nuclear/nucleolar localization signal in Aplysia learning associated protein of slug with a molecular mass of 18 kDa homologous protein.

Neurosci Lett. 2003 Jun 5;343(2):134-8.

2. Lee JA, Lim CS, Lee SH, Kim H, Nukina N, Kaang BK.

Aggregate formation and the impairment of long-term synaptic facilitation by ectopic expression of mutant huntingtin in Aplysia neurons.

J Neurochem. 2003 Apr;85(1):160-9.

1. Lee JA, Kim H, Lee YS, Kaang BK.

Overexpression and RNA interference of Ap-cyclic AMP-response element binding protein-2, a repressor of long-term facilitation, in Aplysia kurodai sensory-to-motor synapses.

Neurosci Lett. 2003 Jan 30;337(1):9-12.